Content: 33cl / 330ml x 3 bottles
Sour strong ale maturata 2 anni in barriques di Bordeaux con melone, ananas e mango. Fantastiche note dal legno, con sentori tropicali persistenti, leggera nota vinosa che ricorda le flanders red (oltre ad aver donato un colore tendente all'ambrato chiaro), leggera vena acetica, note lattiche e di fieno, citriche e di frumento. Chiude su note fruttate dolci, con una acidita' sfrontata.
CONSIGLIAMO DI ACQUISTARNE 2, UNA DA LASCIAR STAGIONARE IN BOTTIGLIA PER MESI/ANNI (per motivi logistici ed economici, la abbiamo lasciata maturare solamente per 4 mesi, la dolcezza della frutta matura si fa ancora leggermente sentire)
Barrel type: Bordeaux
Flavored with: melon, pineapple and mango
Style: strong sour ale
Alc. By Vol: 11 %
Description: Blond/amber-ish strong sour ale aged 2 years in Bordeaux barrels with fruits and wild yeasts/bacterias.
Notes: tropical fruits, good acidity, oak, winey note that reminds to "flanders red", yellow fruits, citrus, wheat, lactic vein, acetic hint, brettanomyces
***WE ADVICE TO BUY AT LEAST 2, TASTE 1 NOW, LET MATURE ONE FOR MINIMUM 1 YEAR (it season so well for years and years). The reason is that, for logistic and economic troubles, we have to release it now (we have matured it in bottle 4 months) and it still has got a bit of sweetness in the end from the ripe fruits used.
Colour: blond/amer-ish
Food Pairing: cheeses, sausages, fried fish, fried chicken
Perfect service temperature: 6-10 C
This Beer will age very well for many years!
PS: It's a "sour ale". If you don't like sour ales, taste it but do not rate it please!